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Public Communication Papers

In this section you find papers written in two of my graduate level courses, The Cultural Significance of Fame and PR Writing and Strategies. The first paper illustrates my journalistic ability in order to delve deep, gathering information to make an informed piece for readers. In addition, the second paper showcases my ability to analyze theories and concepts, and provide rhetoric based on my ideas. 

This is an assignment written in Com 625: The Cultural Significance of Fame course for Dr. Ron Bishop.The assignment was called “Brush of Fame.” Brush of fame, is when someone has encountered an individual of the celebrity status, or if they know someone who had a personal experience with celebrity. However, the details of this assignment were to attend a casting call and conduct a Q&A with someone trying to be on a show or has been on a show, and detail their experience. In this article, I chose to interview my best-friend Alex Reid, acontestant from Season 14 of the Biggest Loser. The interview is in a question and answer format. This sample highlights my ability to constitute questions that induced Alex to answer questions freely. These questions were direct, open ended, and short. In addition, showcases my strength as a journalist.

This assignment was completed in Com 680: PR Writing and Strategies for professor, Dr. Alexander Nikolaev. The assignment required me to explain how theories and concepts covered in the class may apply to the “real world.” This paper titled “Underage Drinking in Adolescents” showcase my ability to understand research and apply it using theories to contextualize the issue in adolescents. My use of theories was given from a Public Relations point of view on how to address the issue. Using the Psychographics, Cognitive Dissonance and Two-Step Flow Theory, I analyzed underage drinking and explained why the issue is challenging. More importantly, there are solutions to implement that will combat the issues.  

Interview: Why Hollywood is The Biggest Loser! 

Theory Implications: Underage Drinking in Adolescents 

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